Newland Paving Company
Asphalt Sealcoating
Asphalt Sealcoating
Sealcoating will protect asphalt from fuel, oil, water, weather and traffic wear. It’s a quick and easy way to help prevent damage and should be applied every 2-3 years, always in the warmer months.
Sealcoating is not done to new asphalt pavement but used to extend the lifespan of old pavement. Sealcoating leaves your pavement looking sleek and dark. This is the perfect solution if you are looking for a simple way to improve the appearance of your asphalt and protect it from the element
- Prolongs life of pavement
- Accelerates the melting of snow and ice
- Reduces long term repair costs
- Protects pavement from oxidation, oil, chemical spills and water penetration
- Enhances appearance of property
Crack Filling
Crack filling is when hot sealant is used to fill cracks in pavement to prevent water from doing anymore damage. The sealant will adhere to the asphalt, keeping water and other natural elements from penetrating and exploiting the weakness in your pavement.
One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to cracks in their pavement, is waiting too long to get them filled. With time, cracks will only grow bigger. What was once a small crack can quickly become alligator cracking or even a pothole, compromising the integrity of your entire pavement surface.
Commercial Services
- Paving
- Asphalt Repairs
- Concrete Repairs
- Blacktop
- Construction Design
- Striping
- Seal Coat
- Crack-fill
Residential Services
- Repairs
- Paving
- Driveway Construction
- Driveway Design